Please complete our investory suitability questionnaire to see if we are a good fit and to receive a FREE copy of our "Oil and Gas Investors Guide" handbook.
2. Why do you want to invest in oil and gas? (Select all that apply.) *
Tax Write-Off Monthly Income Diversity in Portfolio
3. When you invest, what do you look at when making a decision about a company? (Select all that apply.) *
Track Record of Success Credibility and Experience
4. Do you make all your own financial decisions without any advice from brokers, advisors, or accountants? (Except for tax implications.) *
Yes No
5. When you speculate, what is your level of risk? *
6. At this time, what is your interest level in investing in oil and gas? *
To study for diversity in portfolio To review and invest in 60 days or less
7. Provide us with your contact information.
* * * * *